Yoga Classes
Live a Healthy Life
Learn from the experts
At Casita Mia de Mita we are ready to help you continue with the healthy routine you have at home, and we would also love for you to incorporate the healthy routines you learned with us after your visit.

Start your day with happiness and health

Seek Health with Yoga Sadhana
Practice it with us through specific postures and through harmonious, soft, and relaxed movements, but done in a conscious way, because in this discipline, the mind is as important as the body.

Healthy Eating for Healthy Life
All the food served at Casita Mia de Mita, besides being delicious, is fresh and healthy, however we are willing to help if you are following a special diet.

Control Your Brain with Yoga
With the help of our experts, you will learn effective breathing and energy control techniques, so you can incorporate them into your routine and take home the well-being you felt while staying with us.
- Yoga Training
- Healthy Eating Habits
- Simple Language
- Focus on Your Health
- Improve Your Stamina
- Get Better Health
- Achieve Peace of Mind
- Look Young & Beautiful

Have Other Queries?
Do you feel like practicing yoga outdoors with the sea breeze caressing your face? We make it possible
The Trainers
Among our collaborators, we have gathered yoga experts so you can have an unforgettable and satisfying practice at sea level.

Jamie Hofstadter
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Annie Hofstadter
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo luctus .